This is the Penny & Lucy Lou Art eBlast series that showcases our clients (the Interior Designers) that are hard at work making sure our art fits in the space and is appealing to their client(s). Enjoy and share in our excitement by walking in our shoes viewing the newest installation of Penny & Lucy Lou Art.

The space at the Preston Dining room was completely changed in this renovation. Most may not recognize it when they first walk in. From where you started, what was your vision / main goal in the space?
Our goal was to provide a fresh, updated dining experience, show-casing the fresh foods provided from local farms. We chose ‘barn wood-textured’ wall and floor components, complimented with warm, neutral wood tones and fresh colors — reflecting the fresh produce selections. We elected to provide a variety of seating options for students to dine, study and hold group meetings.
How important was the art on this project? Did you Start with the Art? The Art for this project was a critical component in carrying the theme and colors of farm-to-table service, as well as providing for enhanced acoustics in the space.
How does your client feel about the space? Students at the University?
The reaction by the students has been extremely positive to the look and feel of the restaurant. Many students have commented that Fresh Greene’s is their favorite restaurant on campus. The feel is modern and the food is fresh. The artwork compliments the theme of the restaurant using fresh, local and organic ingredients. The featured work artwork using local farms and imagery greatly enhances the space and compliments the vision of the restaurant.
Farms photographed for this project:

The "hands that feed" from Anson Mill Farm in Hopkins, SC.

"Corn falling" at Adluh Flour, Columbia, SC.